A ‘silly’ little poem by William Orpen to his daughter Kit, (transcript below). 
Poem to Kit (age 13) by her father Sir William Orpen (1919).
It was probably accompanied a self portrait intended to cheer her up.
He wrote it while attending the WW1 Versailles Peace Conference in Paris.
“Kit Face – Here is Dads face
with forehead all knotted
Because of the care
He has taken of you
to get Irish Stew
For Baby and crew
If they only knew
So try to be nice
be kind to the mice
don’t get any lice
and think once or twice
of Dadooes.
For he’s a dear lad
not feeling too bad
no use being sad
Far better be glad
Don’t you think so really?
Love, Dadooes”.
Christine Grace Violet Orpen (1906 – 2003) known as Kit.
Post by Dominic Lee, Orpen Research Archives.