10 11, 2021

Poem by William Orpen to his daughter Kit

By |2021-11-10T16:25:03+00:00November 10th, 2021|A Dublin Affair, Art and Culture, Orpen, Orpen Research Project, Orpen Researsh Archives, Poem, Sir William Orpen, WW1|0 Comments

A 'silly' little poem by William Orpen to his daughter [...]

1 12, 2013

Video of William Orpen’s WW1 paintings & sketches with ‘The Green Fields of France’ sung by Finbar Furey.

By |2021-11-22T21:20:14+00:00December 1st, 2013|Art and Culture, Orpen, Orpen Research Project, Orpen Researsh Archives, Sir William Orpen, TV, William Orpen Research Archives|3 Comments

The Imperial War Museum refused to pay Orpen for his final painting but accepted it several years later when Orpen agreed to paint out the two ghosts and angels. The original and the final paintings are part of this slideshow.

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