The unveiling of Rowan Gillespie’s 11ft tall bronze sculpture of Stillorgan born artist Sir William Orpen will take place on Sat 15th Sept 2018 – 5.30pm at The Talbot Hotel Stillorgan (Ex Stillorgan Park Hotel).
Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones (a big fan and collector of Orpen’s work) will do the unveiling which will be followed by a World War One and early 1900’s themed concert in the hotel with various artists (young and old) performing in German, French, Irish & English.
All are welcome to the unveiling which will be in front of the hotel. However, if you would like to attend the drinks reception and concert, you may book tickets (€25 includes finger food, tea/coffee and concert) by phoning your credit card details to Karen D’Alton 003531 2957708 during office hours (all proceeds go to the Stillorgan Chamber of Commerce Orpen Sculpture Fund).
The event will be attended by several Ambassadors and is an occasion for an Orpen reunion with many of his descendants meeting for the first time.
On Sunday 16th at 2pm, Dominic Lee will give his one hour AV/Talk ‘The Life & Times of William Orpen’ and there will be an exhibition of some originals and some reproductions of work by William Orpen, again at The Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan.
More details will follow, hope to see you all at ‘The Orpen Weekend’.
For further information phone Dominic Lee on behalf of The Stillorgan Chamber of Commerce.